Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Mad Story

Over the next few days I'll be posting an incredibly important book with, according to a world-class type designer and -ographer, not very good typography at all. I'm rubbish at type unless I do it by hand but this essential piece of vacuous fly-by-night graph-lit screamed for a proper typeface. I tried and failed and don't really care to be honest (no-one died) but if anyone wants to have a shot then break out the orchestra.

The story is about a confused shape-changing depressed loser and judging by the reaction of the fortunates who've read and looked at it, is definitely very very funny. Of which I'm not convinced. Give it a go and please let me know, if you can be arsed. Thank you.

studio drawing 003

Vibrator racing © (for Callum M)

Studio drawing 002

A) funny B) shite (for Robin R.)