Tuesday, 16 August 2011

kitchen table drawing 004

TV accidently sums up the extremes of human nature

Panorama showed and interviewed the perpetrators, witnesses, politicians, community leaders, shop keepers and the like last night on a doc that could have been 7 hours long but still wouldn't have got closer to understanding modern Britain's latest 'inner city problems'. There seems to be a major schism in folk's attitudes and opinions to what happened. Maybe The Mail and Guardian should have a fight. Perhaps The 2012 Olympics Committee should invent street violence and looting as a new sport. We might win a gold after all. Then we could market it as a game and put the enormous profits back into society.
After that there was an amazing Horizon programme about people at the cutting edge of telescope technology and astrophysics searching for black holes to help us understand what's going on out there in the known/unknown universe. Apparently we're entering a golden age of astronomy so I'm off to shoplift a telescope. See you on YouTube.