Friday, 25 November 2011

Some Incredibly Important News I simply Must Share.

This recent world-changing series of drawings will soon come to an end. At last, thank God, so I'll be putting new shorter projects up in the near future. Before that (even though nobody's reading this), I'm going random and will write a bit more. I want to describe the perfect shave at the local Turkish barbers; what fun can be achieved by reading the newspaper and listening to the news at the same time (and the text-based outcome); random drawings, random scanned litter, random photographs. Time to free up and breathe. Not that anyone cares particularly but that doesn't matter really. What does? Here's something that also doesn't matter but happened this afternoon when I bought a scarf and may or may not be funny:
"I'll take this one please."
"Good choice if I may say so sir."
"Er yes - thanks. I'll pay by card please."
"Ok sir, here we go." There was a brief pause as the machine read my card. "If you could tap in your pin number, that would be awesome sir." That tipped me over the edge.
"Awesome? Awesome - what is 'awesome' about tapping in my pin number? The parting of the Red Sea was 'awesome'; huge herds of Wildebeest migrating across the Serengeti is 'awesome'. Tapping in a fucking pin number is not at all, in the slightest bit, 'awesome.'"
He looked a bit wary and hurt and I immediately felt rude and regretted my appalling rebuke.
"Sorry - I haven't had a cigarette or a pint in two weeks. Bit tense."
"I understand sir."
"Have a good weekend. Lovely scarf. Don't bother wrapping it - I'll wear it. Really er, lovely scarf."
"Thank you sir - you too."

Oh dear.

It's A Beautiful World 033

It's A Beautiful World 032

It's A Beautiful World 031