Sunday 11 September 2011

Bit of a Break AKA Losing Interest

Much more of my extraordinarily self-important work to come but lost interest completely  recently. This happens. Occasionally we all have to fuck Faecebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and all the rest of those mostly utterly boring social media sites and go through withdrawal instead of blurting out tedious self-indulgent subjectivity. Just like this. I recommend heavy narcotic abuse, dark sexual experimentation, flaneuring, actually writing with a pen and paper and drawing. Jay-walking in Dalston on crazy Saturday night is always a thrilling way to remind you you're still actually alive and not stooping around texting and twatting.
For some ludicrous reason, my favourite sites - although as I've just been told that they should be called 'communication hubs' - are ones that concern themselves with things like "Oh look, there's me holding up a pint of lager at a funeral." With the title "We all had a laugh but it's what he would have wanted - it was a proper send off." Or "oh look, there's us, drunk in Croatia, sprawling on the beach with our legs in the air, holding up a bottle of lager." "Oh look, there's my mate asleep with stuff on him and you can see us in the background  with our thumbs up, holding bottles of lager" "Oh look, here's my overwrought and 50% dishonest cv - please employ me and then truly find out how pathetic my work ethic is and my total lack of anything worthwhile employing."

Still, back on track and have a sneaking suspicion that absolutely nobody anywhere gives a damn. Is this because the look of the blog looks exactly like everyone else's? Oh I beseech thee to let me know but surely it's about the work or am I getting this hopelessly wrong?
Is there any point in websites?

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